Vacature Personal Training

Personal Training in Hoofddorp

Personal Training

Do you want to start with Personal Training?

Do you want…

  • een specifiek doel halen, zoals fitter worden, afvallen of spieren opbouwen
  • learn to train independently and find out what suits you
  • are you sure that you can (continue to) exercise pain-free?
  • just a loving kick under your ass, because you need it?

Personal Training at JMSC is then exactly what you need!

Who are you? What do you need?

Every person is different, has their own story and lifestyle. We like to get to know you, so we can connect with your goals, with an approach that suits you.

Get to know our TOP trainers: on the right you can see an overview of all individual specialties and below you can get acquainted with our professional PT team.

Personal training is a separate profession

  • Your load capacity is different every time, have you had a busy working day or are you coming to Saturday morning training rested?
  • Do you have an injury or a chronic condition that we have to take into account or strength difference right and left?
  • Creating conditions for training and increasing resilience
  • Do you perform the exercise well, with the right technique, intensity and repetitions?
  • Do you understand what the exercise does to you? And do you feel that too?
  • We will help you if you are a little less motivated
  • And what about your diet and work/rest balance?

10% of athletes can independently achieve and maintain their goal. Often we hear 'fitness is not my thing". But at JMSC!

Jeroen Maas is director, owner and founder of the sports club. Jeroen always puts his members first and also carries this out to his staff, this results in actively helping, inspiring and motivating all members.

Additional info:

What are your hobbies ?

Culinary cooking, wines, motorcycling and self-preparation, daily sports, study, being in nature. Drinking beer with my brother Peter.

What is your tic / addiction?

Tomorrow will be better in some areas than yesterday.

If you get the chance to do something really well, what would it be and why?

I would like to do gymnastics just like my 7-year-old daughter Rosan who is in the gymnastics selection. Effortlessly walking on my hands, doing somersaults and flick-flak. My son Jason is also so good on the trampoline, flipping screws and jumping super high...I would love to do that!

Name 1 thing people probably don't know about you yet.

I firmly believe in the evolution of your mind and soul and that we are temporarily in a package that we leave after a certain time to be able to grow further.

Keep moving. We are happy to help you.

Start your free trial week right away

Would you like to meet JMSC? During this trial week our doors are open for you and you can use the fitness facilities, try out the sauna or follow one of the many group classes such as yoga, Zumba, kick-fit or spinning.

More than 30,000 people went before you

Involved trainers

40 years of experience

Total range of fitness, wellness & group classes

JMC moves you

Everyone wants to feel healthy and fit. Regular exercise is important for this. With a unique personal approach inspires and motivates JMSC people to take the step to go in for sports and maintain this in the long term. When this succeeds, an important step is taken towards a fit and vital life.

contact us

Jeroen Maas Sports company
Highway 669b
2131 BB Hoofddorp

Sports at 104 locations

Members of JMSC are welcome at 104 clubs in the Netherlands and Flanders. Watch sports clubs.

2024 © Jeroen Maas Sports Company | Terms and conditions - Privacy Policy / Hoofdweg 669b, 2131 BB Hoofddorp

60,- / 4 weeks*

Unlimited sports
* Starting package € 35, - mandatory.

Using Personal Training?

You can! If you choose the standard PT subscription, you can work 1-on-1 with your own trainer for 30 minutes every week. For this we charge a surcharge of €91 on your subscription (reduced rate).
Want more?
10 training sessions (1 hour) € 550,00
20 training sessions (1 hour) € 1100,00 (2 hours free)
Do you choose personal training? Please note that the minimum contract duration is 12 weeks.


  • All rates are valid for 4 weeks.

  • A subscription is concluded for a period of 12 months.

  • Do you prefer to be flexible? Then choose a monthly cancelable subscription. For this you pay €20,- per 4 weeks extra.

  • Starting package of € 35, - mandatory
    All rates are valid for 4 weeks.

  • A subscription is concluded for a period of 12 months.

  • Do you prefer to be flexible? Then choose a monthly cancelable subscription. For this you pay €20,- per 4 weeks extra.

Using Personal Training?

You can! If you choose the standard PT subscription, you can work 1-on-1 with your own trainer for 30 minutes every week. For this we charge a surcharge of €91 on your subscription.

Functie:personal training
Salaris:onbekend – onbekend
Uren per week:1 – 40

Heb je interesse in deze vacature en wil je graag op deze functie solliciteren? Neem dan contact op met Sports Company via onbekend of onbekend. Of bezoek hun website onbekend.

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Redactie Lissekrant

Leuk dat je een van de recent geplaatste vacatures hebt geopend via de lissekrant. Hopelijk vind je een baan die bij je past en waar je gelukkig van wordt!

  1. Vacatures lisse
  2. Personal Training Sports Company 03-06-2024

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