Vacature Highly Skilled Migrant

Highly Skilled Migrant in Haarlem

Highly Skilled Migrant

The Highly Skilled Migrant (HSM) procedure is for non-EU employees recruited from abroad and who have signed a local (Dutch) contract.

Highly Skilled Migrant Service

We inform the employer and the employee about the required documents and prepare and submit the immigration documents. We coordinate any necessary appointments at the GGD (TB test) and immigration authorities. During the process, we keep all parties proactively informed.

Very well informed and prompt feedback and follow up Really happy.

+31 (0)23 5344 188

Functie:highly skilled migrant
Salaris:onbekend – onbekend
Uren per week:1 – 40

Heb je interesse in deze vacature en wil je graag op deze functie solliciteren? Neem dan contact op met ANYWR via onbekend of onbekend. Of bezoek hun website onbekend.

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  1. Vacatures lisse
  2. Highly Skilled Migrant ANYWR 23-05-2024

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